Ladies -Concerned Over Your Mans Porn ?

Ideally, lovemaking should be a dual focus. That is both parties should be thinking of both satisfying themselves and satisfying their partner. Many women question whether they are good enough in bed, if they find their man still interested in erotic movies. According to Allan Berger P.H.D., there is nothing to worry about. Its just a case of the man on occasion being a little more selfish. It is normal to on occasion want to satisfy just yourself and it is not to be interpreted as you not satisfying him.
I wonder though, what are the implications if your man insists on both at the same time ?


Michelle says
May 18, 2010 at 9:38 PM

This is why role-playing and costumes are so important during your lovemaking sessions. The boyfriend will cease thinking or watching porn to satisfy himself. Instead, he'll be thinking how hot his girlfriend made the sex last night!